James Michael Cline, a 64-year-old finance executive who launched Fandango, died by suicide after falling from the 20th floor of the Kimberly Hotel in Manhattan. Authorities were notified and found a suicide note in his room. Cline was also the founder of several companies and an advocate for animal protection.
James Michael Cline, a 64-year-old finance executive renowned for launching Fandango in 2000, died by suicide in Manhattan.
Cline fell from the 20th floor of the Kimberly Hotel on Tuesday morning. New York Police were informed at 10:19 am and declared him dead at the scene. A suicide note was found in his room.
Post-Fandango, Cline founded Accumen, Insureon, and Accolade, and was involved with several tech and venture capital firms, including Bridgewater Associates.
He served as the executive chairman of Juxtapose and chaired the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Cline held an MBA from Harvard and a degree from Cornell. He is survived by his wife Pamela and their six children.