At, we believe in media that unites rather than divides, informs rather than misleads, and motivates individuals to be the best versions of themselves.
Established in 1998, was born from the vision to seamlessly merge AI with journalism—serving as a super-powerful assistant to, not a replacement for, human journalists—redefining how stories are conceived, researched, and reported.
CNNBC is a non-profit AI journalism initiative focused on the BIG picture. Our website is a non-commercial, non-profit platform dedicated to research and development. It’s not intended to replace traditional media but to enhance the landscape of information dissemination through advanced technology.
The so-called "free press" is often locked behind paywalls and subscription fees. While these barriers may make sense from a business perspective, their practical consequences are fundamentally anti-democratic.
We cannot claim that informed citizens are essential for democracy to function while simultaneously hiding vital information from the majority of the public behind paywalls. Hiding information behind paywalls becomes a form of censorship, creating a divided society—one where a privileged minority has access to quality news, while the majority "is left in the dark," consuming commercially manipulated and agenda-driven narratives.
This reality prevents most people from accessing the essential news they need to become informed citizens. And this is exactly where democracy dies—in darkness.
At, we’ve "broken down" those barriers. Our platform is free and open to everyone, so anyone—regardless of financial means—can stay informed about what’s happening across the globe.
It’s not because we don’t value the hard work of professional journalists or the quality news produced by media outlets—it’s because we believe journalists are vital public servants. While journalists and news outlets "must" remain "independent," decentralized, and "for-profit" entities, their essential role in informing the public and safeguarding democracy should be funded by the "taxes" the public "already pays" to sustain democracy.
Investing taxpayers' money in journalism is a core and urgent step toward rebuilding trust in democracies around the world, rather than continuing to spend billions supporting authoritarian regimes in faraway countries.
We’re not here to compete with mainstream journalism; we’re here to complement it. Using AI, we summarize and filter large volumes of information, cutting through the noise so readers can focus on what matters. We also point you to trusted sources for deeper exploration, ensuring you can dig into the stories that resonate with you.
We don’t hide it—we’re proud of it. AI doesn’t compromise the quality of our news; it elevates it, making it more reliable, informative, and accessible to everyone.
While we report on all major developments, we believe in highlighting progress, unity, and innovation—stories that reflect the best of society and counterbalance the negativity often seen in mainstream news. We cover negative events only when absolutely necessary, to keep you informed—not depressed.
While we share the same interests as our "good guys," we are neither controlled nor financed by them—nor are we influenced by adversaries who fund some of our media and politicians to divide societies and destroy democracies.
And until than:
Together, we can create a world where knowledge is accessible, democracy thrives, and journalism remains a cornerstone of truth, freedom, and accountability.
Thank you for joining us in this mission.
The AI Development Team
Focus on the BIG picture!